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Chronicle #TestDay Reebok Nano X3

Dato 06/03/2023

Chronicle #TestDay Reebok Nano X3

Dato 06/03/2023

We are in Barcelona to test the new shoes that Reebok has launched this year. These are the new Nano X3, versatile fitness shoes perfect for training and running.


The event has been at Crossfit Les Corts (LCS), a perfect space to develop a crossfit class and try them out.

The participants arrived at 6:15 p.m. so that the Reebok and Traininn staff gave them the Welcome Pack, which contained the Nano X3, a t-shirt and a bottle. A complete pack that all the participants have put on to carry out the WOD (work of day).

Once everyone gathered in the box, Jorge from Reebok explained the description of the NanoX3 to everyone.

LIFT AND RUN CHASSIS: New midsole technology makes the heel firmer when lifting weights and softens when running and jumping, providing more cushioning.

SOFT, DURABLE UPPER: A Flexweave® upper made of durable, stretchy textile material offers support in key areas for optimal performance.

FLOATRIDE ENERGY FOAM CUSHIONING: Floatride Energy Foam technology in the heel translates into a lighter and more cushioned running experience.

And once the explanation is over, we start the class with a few small warm-up games, a 12-minute EMOM, and we end with a 10-minute AMRAP

EMOM of 2´ ON 1´ OFF (Teams of 2):

- 20x WallBall

- 20x Pull-ups

- Max rep Burpees


- 5x Hang Power Snatch

- 10x Toes to Bar (T2B)

- 10x Box Jump

10´ CT

And with this we finished the training, but before the people left, they were able to recover with a final supply by Team Reebok, Tradeinn, and courtesy of Foodspring products.

It was a pleasure doing this event with all of you. Thank you very much Crossfit LCS for opening your box to hold the event!