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Fitness Nutrition

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What should I know about sports nutrition?

Sports nutrition is a crucial aspect of an athlete´s performance and overall health. Here are some key points to know about sports nutrition, including supplements, drinks, energy gels, mixers, and tea and infusions:

Balanced diet: The foundation of sports nutrition is a balanced diet. Athletes should consume a variety of foods, including carbohydrates, proteins, healthy fats, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, to meet their energy and nutrient needs.
Hydration: Staying properly hydrated is essential for athletes. Water is the primary choice for hydration, but for intense or long duration activities, sports drinks with electrolytes can help replenish lost fluids and minerals.
Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are a primary source of energy for athletes. Complex carbohydrates, like whole grains, provide a sustained release of energy, while simple carbohydrates can be useful for quick energy before or during workouts.
Proteins: Proteins are important for muscle repair and growth. Athletes should include lean sources of protein in their diet, such as poultry, fish, lean meats, dairy, beans, and legumes.
Fats: Healthy fats are essential for overall health and provide a source of energy for endurance athletes. Sources of healthy fats include avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil.
Supplements: While a balanced diet should ideally provide all necessary nutrients, some athletes may benefit from supplements. Common supplements include:

Protein powders: To meet protein needs, especially for strength and muscle building.
Creatine: Used for short bursts of high intensity activities.
Branched chain amino acids BCAAs: Can aid in muscle recovery.
Vitamins and minerals: Athletes may require additional vitamins and minerals depending on their dietary intake and specific needs.

Energy gels: Energy gels are concentrated carbohydrate sources designed for quick energy during endurance activities like long distance running or cycling. They are easy to carry and consume on the go.

Blender bottles: they are handy for mixing protein shakes, pre workout drinks, or recovery drinks. They often have a built in mixing ball to ensure a smooth blend.

Tea and infusions: Herbal teas and infusions can be a good choice for hydration and relaxation. Some teas, like green tea, are also rich in antioxidants that may have health benefits.

Timing: The timing of meals and supplements matters. Consuming carbohydrates and proteins before and after workouts can aid in performance and recovery. Pre workout supplements should be taken about 30 60 minutes before exercise.
Individual needs: Keep in mind that every athlete is unique, and nutritional needs can vary based on factors like age, gender, activity level, and goals. Its often beneficial to consult with a registered dietitian or sports nutritionist to create a personalized nutrition plan.
Safety and quality: When using supplements, it´s important to choose reputable brands to ensure product safety and quality. Always read labels and follow recommended dosages.
Remember that sports nutrition is a complex field, and what works best for one athlete may not work for another. Tailoring your nutrition plan to your specific needs and consulting with a healthcare professional or nutrition expert is advisable for optimal results and safety. You can buy nutrition from Lonsdale, Gymstick, Softee, Tunturi, Avento, Pure2Improve, and SIS.