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Horse riding for kids

Horse riding for kids

Explore a wide range of Horse riding for kids products for kids shop. Shop best-selling items and exclusive deals at kidinn. Enjoy fast shipping, secure payment, and the best prices available!

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What do you need for horse riding?

A horse rider needs some essential tools that make riding more enjoyable. If you want to buy horse riding equipment, consider renowned brands such as Komperdell, Back On Track, and BR

Horse rider equipment

Here is a list of items that you need for horse riding.

Riding pants

Jodhpurs are pants specifically designed for horseback riding. They are made with a thin and stretchable fabric that allows freedom of movement. They don’t have an inside seam that also prevents chafing. These pants snugly fit the legs and have special gripping fabric with safety features.

Riding shirts

Like horse riding pants, there are shirts designed for horseback riding. They are made of high quality materials to ensure safety and comfort. You can wear any shirt that doesn’t restrict your movement. The shirt you choose must also be breathable. It is ideal to choose a shirt with UV protection.

Boots tall boots or short paddock boots

A good pair of riding boots is a must have accessory that you need for your child. Wearing regular shoes for horse riding may pose some injuries and danger because they lack special features for safety. The specifically designed horse riding tall boots have a small heel, lightly textured sole, and a firm toe box to protect your feet from sliding. Boots are the best choice as they are comfortable and offer better grip and added protection to your kids legs.

Riding helmet

A horse riding helmet is one of the most essential gears that you need. Horse riding is a serious sport and comes with high risk. Therefore you need a helmet that is specifically designed for horse riding.

Riding vest

It is important to stay safe in case of a fall by wearing a safety vest. A safety vest that is specially designed for horse riding protects your torso from impacts. There are some vests that are air filled for added protection. Though a vest may add some bulk, they are necessary gear that you should wear.